American Farmland Trust to Host Agriculture and Clean Energy Webinar

Senator Blanche Lincoln (AR), the new chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee has stated more than once that climate change legislation may have a tough road in the Senate this year, but everyone can agree on legislation that promotes clean and renewable energy.

For those of you interested in the cross section between agriculture and clean energy, then the American Farmland Trust’s webinar on this very topic may be something in which you would be interested in participating.

Here is the nitty, gritty: The webinar will be Thursday, October 8, 2009 from 2:00pm-3:00pm (EDT). You can register for the webinar by clicking here. This website also has papers summarizing and describing the various legislative developments surrounding this topic, as well as who to contact for more information.

The webinar is free, online, and officially titled Agriculture's Opportunity in Clean Energy Legislation. Here is how American Farmland Trust describes the webinar, “Agriculture policy experts will preview the Senate’s agriculture package and discuss how agriculture can benefit from proposed clean energy legislation, while providing the most cost-effective solutions to climate change. This will include opportunities for farmers & ranchers, how a cap & trade system works, examples of success stories, and more. At the end there will be time for question and answers.”

The webinar is open to the public, so those interested should register to attend and make sure you have the correct software to participate.

Posted: 09/30/09