More Testimony Given in Poultry Waste Case

The Associated Press is reporting that the trial is moving forward in Oklahoma’s lawsuit against eleven poultry companies with operations in the Illinois River watershed. Today’s testimony will feature Michael Smolen, “a water quality expert and Oklahoma State University professor,” who will be testifying for Oklahoma.

Other than continuing with testimony from witnesses from the state, not much more is happening with this lawsuit. For those who have not been following the case that closely, the state of Oklahoma is suing the eleven poultry companies for allegedly polluting the watershed in violation of federal and state laws. For their part the poultry companies maintain they acted within the confines of the law when their poultry farmers spread poultry litter on nearby fields to use as a fertilizer. The state alleges runoff from these fields put Oklahomans at risk from harmful bacteria.

The farms in question are located in both Oklahoma and Arkansas as the two states share the Illinois River watershed. Roughly 55,000 citizens of the two states are employed in some form by the poultry industry in this area, in which 1,800 poultry houses are located. In 2002 roughly 152 million birds were raised in this area, according to testimony in the case. The lawsuit was initiated in 2005. Oklahoma will not be able to recover damages in the case due to a previous ruling. Those are the basics. The nonjury, federal trial may have up to 50 days of testimony.

This blog has been covering the case in detail, and previous posts can be found by clicking here and scrolling down. Look for the chicken. You can do the same by clicking here. Same instructions.

To read the latest from the AP on the case click here.

Posted: 10/15/09