Rural Water Projects Get Funding Boost

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack announced today that funds made available through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) will go towards inmproving water infrastructure in 17 states. The $190 million is being disbursed through both loans and grants.

The announcement was made by Dallas Tonsanger, the Under Secretary for Rural Development, on Vilsack's behalf while Tonsanger was giving a speech to the National Rural Water Association meeting in Louisville, KY. Tonsanger said the following, '"Recovery Act projects are putting people to work and helping rural communities of all sizes build a foundation for economic strength and future prosperity . . . The 27 water and wastewater projects we're announcing today are helping to achieve the Obama Administration's economic recovery goals to rebuild and revitalize the nation's infrastructure while creating or retaining jobs."'

This money, combined with previously released funds brings the total funding for water and environmental projects and loans to $1.8 billion for this year, country-wide. "The ARRA funding announced today is being administered by USDA Rural Development's Water and Environmental Program which provides loans and grants to ensure that the necessary investments are made in water and wastewater infrastructure to deliver safe drinking water and protect the environment in rural areas."

For rural areas lacking adequate water infrastructure, this announcement is good news.

To see a list of recipients are to view the USDA news release click here.

Posted: 10/06/09