Algae-Fueled Car Crosses Country

Here is a story we just thought you might be interested in.

Can you see yourself behind the wheel of an Algaeus? That would be, according to ABC News, “the world’s first algae-powered plug-in electric hybrid vehicle.” The Algaeus was created by Josh Tickle, and Tickle recently drove across country in the vehicle, from Los Angeles to New York City.

During the eastward trek the car averaged 147 miles per gallon (mpg) “city” and 53 mpg “highway.” For city driving the car runs on electricity alone and for highway driving it switches to hybrid mode, meaning the algae fuel is involved in powering the automobile. As ABC News reports, the car can “run on approximately 25 gallons from coast to coast.”

Sapphire Energy developed the algae fuel which is produced “on a farm in the deserts of New Mexico.” Previously, this blog reported on the substantial investment Exxon Mobil Corp. has made in the arena of algae based alternative fuels. The energy giant has said its motivation for doing so is the realistic potential for this fuel source to work and be able to be reproduced on a great enough scale to make the investment fiscally worthwhile.

As ABC reports, “Proponents of algae fuel claim that it has the potential to be a new source of 100 percent carbon neutral energy that won’t require changing the country’s current energy infrastructure.” This is due to the fact that the chemical make-up of algae is the same as that of gasoline, so it would, in theory, be compatible with existing technology, “from refineries to car engines.”

One benefit of algae is that you don’t need a rig to get at it. Farms raising algae could be about anywhere, “and does not require converting farmland or nature preserves.” At this point the fuel is not available commercially and likely won’t be for several more years. However, having the investment potential behind the technology is a good sign that algae may be an actual contender to replace oil.

For his part, Tickle is trying to raise awareness any way he can. From driving to ABC News’ Times Square studio, to promoting his Sundance Best Documentary-winning film “Fuel,” or to simply knocking on politicians’ doors.

To read the ABC News report click here.
To read previous U.S. Agriculture and Food Law and Policy Blog post click here.

Posted: 09/28/09